Footprints of the ichnogenus Grallator from the Connecticut River Valley on display at the Amherst Museum of Natural History
The Keep Homestead Museum opens for the season on April 2, 2023 with the program “Dinosaurs, Dunes, & Drifting Continents” by Professor Richard Little. The Connecticut River Valley of Massachusetts is the best place in the world to study geology. Find out why as he discusses the “deep history” of Monson and vicinity and how the area was impacted by continental collisions, rifting faults and glaciers, plus dinosaur footprints and Lake Hitchcock.
Richard Little is professor emeritus, Greenfield Community College, and the author of several books and videos about local geology. Copies of his book will be available for sale. He will bring examples of the rare Jurassic armored mud balls found in Franklin County which he is working to have designated as the official Massachusetts “sedimentary structure.”
This talk starts at 1:30 pm and is open to the public free of charge, though donations are welcome.
The museum will be open from 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. for touring. Admission is free. Donations are accepted.