Have you ever wondered about the story of women’s fashions between the Civil War and World War II? If so, plan to visit the Keep Homestead Museum on September 3 at 1:30 pm when Lynne Z. Bassett presents her program “Petticoats to Pants: Women’s Fashions 1865–1940.”
She examines how women’s fashion between the wars represent the changes in women’s roles during this period in American history. Women expanded beyond their traditional roles as homemakers and mothers to roles in the arenas of work, politics and sports. And clothing adapted to suit the needs of these women.
Lynne is now an independent scholar specializing in historic fashion and textiles. She has been curator of textiles at Old Sturbridge Village and Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, and her contributions have been recognized by many historic societies including the American Antiquarian Society and the International Quilt Study Center.
This program starts at 1:30 pm and is open to the public free of charge. The museum at 35 Ely Road in Monson is open for viewing from 1–3:30 pm.